Nov 2, 2007

Spare change here: Plum Grove and Halloween.

Last Friday I ventured down to Plum Grove Cyclery for a little Living the Dream tour stop-age. I walked in late after a 5hr drive in the rain to see about 30 people listening to Matt Bracken talk about IF and bikes. The most amazing thing were the 27 different IF bikes the crowd had brought in. All makes, ages, and colors. Pretty neat to see the diversity of possibilities. Again reasons why I like my sponsor.

We went for a group ride the next morn.
Did someone get a new single speed? Me Maybe?

Things are going to be changing around here. First of all I got a coach for the 2008 season. Scary business since I'll be putting my body in the hands of someone else. But Jeff at Allez Training is an old Indy Fab rider and a PhD Candidate in Richmond, for sports physiology. And really this picture of him makes him look a lot more square than he really is. I expect big things. Now I have a place to place blame.
Also there will be some other sponsors on board. I'll let you know as they come. IF and I are staying together, so no speculation there please.